Our Universal Mission


At the moment there are many Spiritual Focal Points in the Entire World, who are trying to form the Awareness of Unification - Peace - Friendship and Brotherhood/Sisterhood. And We are one of the Focal Points who share the same view.

The twentieth Century is a Very Special Age. Humanity that has awakened especially in the Last Half of this Age as a Mass with the Cosmic Influences on our Entire Planet has entered a medium of search. This Search has carried Some People onto Unknown Mediums. For this reason we are relaying and explaining the Truth to Humanity at these Focal Points.

All the Sacred Books bestowed on our Planet by ALLAH until today were conveyed us by the Prophets from a Lordly Channel announced to us as the ALPHA Channel. The Alpha Channel is a Constant, unchanging Channel. However, the perpendicular reflection of this Channel is shifting towards the North because of the World rotating on its axis with a tilt of 23 degrees. In the period when the Alpha Channel was over Tibet, the method of Attracting the Cosmic Energies with Thought Power came into effect. The Meditation Technique first started this way.

Kozmoz calls this period the “1st Order of Allah”. Each Program Covers a Period of 2000 years. During these 2000 years the Alpha Channel shifted, and its perpendicular reflection came over the pyramids in Egypt. For this reason, MOSES took his Program into effect here.

Meditation purifies a human, and gives him/her Inner peace. However, for a Human to attain Consciousness, he/she needs Knowledge. It is for this reason that, after 2000 years, Moses revealed to the World the Kabala Knowledge. However, since the Consciousness level of the Human of that period was not at the Level to be able to receive this Powerful Knowledge, the desired Result was not attained from the Program of Moses.

The Period of Moses is also a Period of 2000 years, and Kozmoz calls this the “2nd Order of Allah”. Within these 2000 years, the Alpha Channel shifted to the North and came over JERUSALEM, and JESUS took his program into effect here. JESUS engrafted Humanity with Love with the New Testament. Belief and Love makes a Human Happy, and this relaxed medium helps a Human to attract the Cosmic Energies.

A Human who cannot attract the Cosmic Energies can never attain Consciousness. 500 years after JESUS, Kozmoz caught the desired level in this program. After this, the Program of MOHAMMED, the Prophet of Islam came into effect in the year 622.

During that period, the Alpha Channel was over MECCA. In this program, JESUS represents love, and MOHAMMED represents Knowledge. This program of 2000 years that lasted until the End of the 20th Century was considered as a joint one, “since they were within the same magnetic field”, and this was called the “3rd Order of ALLAH”.

After Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, the Period of Prophethood was Closed. And after the year 622, no other Prophet came to our planet, nor was a Sacred Book Revealed until the year 2000.

During that Period, Humanity as a Whole was left alone with their Books for 1500 years, and in this way, it was awaited for Humanity to grasp the Truth in a better way. However, during this final period of 2000 years, the Alpha Channel Shifted North, and came over Anatolian Turkey.

At the end of 20th Century, the Program of 6000 years came to an end, and the Program of the 21st Century began. Kozmoz calls this Period the “4th Order of Allah”.

And since the Time has come for the Human who has attained Consciousness to henceforth know everything and the Truth, in the year 01.11.1981, the “REALITY OF UNIFIED HUMANITY KOZMOZ FEDERAL TOTALITY” bestowed a Book called the “KNOWLEDGE BOOK” on our planet on the grounds that the Alpha Channel is over Anatolian Turkey at the moment.

This Book is a Cosmic Book dictated through a Technique called the LIGHT – PHOTON - CYCLONE Technique, of which our planet does not know yet. In this technique, the Frequency of the Book never changes when translated into other languages, since the Time Energy is loaded on the Letter Frequencies.

The Aim of the Book is to take into effect a happy, stable Life Tableau without Wars by gathering together the Entire Universe and our Planet under a Humane Consciousness of Totality.

Although the Knowledge Book is a Guide Book that Gathers together in a SINGLE Volume all the Books bestowed through the Alpha Channel from which all the Sacred Books are revealed, it is never a Book to be Worshipped. This Book was completed in 12 years and, as 55 fascicules and 7 supplements, it received the Order to be Published as a Book in the year 1993.

The Copyright of the Book belongs to the “World Brotherhood Totality Kozmoz Universal Unification Association” and the “World Brotherhood Union Mevlana Supreme Foundation”, the Center of which is in Istanbul.

The Sacred Books are Books that Educate and Train Humanity, and Give them Consciousness, and they carry the Frequency of the 7th Dimension. The Energy of this Dimension is 72. This Border is the End Border of the Alpha Channel. This is the 18th Dimension. From here one passes to Omega, which is the 19th Dimension.

Since the Knowledge Book was dictated from the 19th Dimension, it is also called the OMEGA Book. The frequency of the Book is 76. At first this Book Prepares Humanity for the Omega Dimension, and helps the Ones who are prepared to Exit from Omega. For this reason, it is also called the SALVATION Book.

All the Sacred Books carrying the Alpha frequency are Books that train Humanity. Whereas the Knowledge Book, which is an Omega Book, is a Book that conveys.

The Knowledge Book, published simultaneously in both Turkish and English in 1996, has currently reached Fourth and Sixth Edition prints, respectively.

Also in German, Russian, Hebrew, Swedish, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Italian and Kazakh, The Knowledge Book has currently been published in 12, and translated into 28 languages.

In many countries on our planet these Universal Studies have begun. Turkey being the foremost; there are Knowledge Book focal points and 18 totalities in Albania, Argentina, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Guatemala, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, Ukraine, the USA and Venezuela.

Our first DKB Association of the World Brotherhood Union outside of Turkey was established in 2012 in Madrid, Spain, our second DKB Association was established in 2017 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and our third DKB Association was established in 2019 in Munich, Germany.

Our studies are being disseminated each day with great speed. In future years, DKB Associations of the World Brotherhood Union will be established in all countries.

The Knowledge Book is a Cosmic Book bestowed on Humanity in order to Lift the Separations among the Religions and Views on our Planet, and to Unify Humans, and to put an end to Wars and Sufferings, and to create a Brotherly World full of Peace and Love, and to reinforce The Law which is “Respect for the Human is Respect for Allah”.

We are Studying and Sharing this Information with you every week at our public Seminars.

New Life Expo


October 19-20, 2024.

NY Bar Historical Building, 44th St Between 5th & 6th Ave, Manhattan, NY, NYC

- Saturday 10am - 8pm
- Sunday 10am - 7pm

- The Knowledge Book Introductory Lecture:
Saturday, October 19th, 10:30am
- Kaye - 1st Floor
Presenter: Yuliya Krapivina

Conscious Life Expo


February 7-9, 2025.

LAX Hilton Hotel, 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045

- Friday 11 am - 9 pm
- Saturday 9 am - 9 pm
- Sunday 9am - 8pm

- The Knowledge Book Introductory Lecture:
Friday, February 7th, 1:00pm
Presenter: Yuliya Krapivina

Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo


March 7-9, 2025.

New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center
97 Sunfield Avenue, Edison, NJ 08837

- Friday 5 pm - 9 pm
- Saturday 10 am - 7 pm
- Sunday 10am - 7pm

  • ALL introductory talks on the Knowledge Book are free and open to the public. You will hear fundamental information about the Book and its planetary unification program. Every guest will also receive, as a present, an Intro Set comprising 3 Knowledge Book chapters, and so be able to sample its energy and information.